
The 3-Minute Brain Challenge Quiz Answers

The 3-Minute Brain Challenge Quiz Answers from Video Quiz Star 100% correct answers. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited.

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Q 1. Which piece fits? Type your answer in below.

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Q 2. What comes next? Type your answer in below!

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Q 3. Can you figure out which piece fits perfectly? Type your answer in below!

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Q 4. How many triangles can you count here? Type your answer in below!

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Q Alt 4. Let’s start! How many triangles can you count here? Type your answer in below!

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Q 5. What number would the word ‘TON’ result in? Type your answer in below!

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Q 6. What comes next? Type your answer in below.

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Q 7. If you place the square on the left over the square on the right, what will the resulting pattern be? Type your answer in below!

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Q Alt 7. If you place the square on the left over the square on the right, what will the resulting pattern be? Type your answer in below!

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Q Alt 7-2. If you place the square on the left over the square on the right, what will the resulting pattern be? Type your answer in below!

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Q 8. Can you figure out the missing number in this sequence? Type your answer in below!

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Q Alt 8. Can you figure out the missing number in this sequence? Type your answer in below!

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Q Alt 8-2. Can you figure out the missing number in this sequence? Type your answer in below!

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Q 9. Can your order these countries from smallest to largest (by area)? Type the letters in below!

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Q Alt 9. Complete this statement by typing the number in below: The area of this shape (in cm2) is __ cm2.

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Q 10. See if you can solve this problem: Adam, Laura, Paula and James, are making a pie and each add a different ingredient. When the pie is finished, there is 1/4 cinnamon left, 1/3 of nutmeg, 1/2 of ginger and 5/8 of pumpkin left. Adam used the most. Laura used the least. Paula used more than James. Who used the ginger? Type the name in below!

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Q Alt 10. See if you can solve this problem: Adam, Laura, Paula and James, are making a pie and each add a different ingredient. When the pie is finished, there is 1/4 cinnamon left, 1/3 of nutmeg, 1/2 of ginger and 5/8 of pumpkin left. Adam used the most. Laura used the least. James used more than Paula. Who used the ginger? Type the name in below!

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Q Alt 10-2. See if you can solve this problem: Adam, Laura, Paula and James, are making a pie and each add a different ingredient. When the pie is finished, there is 1/4 cinnamon left, 1/3 of nutmeg, 1/2 of ginger and 5/8 of pumpkin left. James used the most. Paula used the least. Adam used more than Laura. Who used the ginger? Type the name in below!

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Written by My Neobux Portal

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