
Spelling Bee Test Answers

Blommerspace – Spelling Bee Quiz

Spelling Bee Test Answers from Offer 100% correct answers. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited.

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Q 1. Which army rank is this?

Option:- Lieutenant Leiutenant Lieutenent Lieutanent

Q 2. This is a massive African animal

Option:- Hippopotamus Hipoppotamus Hippopatamus Hippopotamas

Q 3. A large group of islands is called an?

Option:- Archaepelago Archipelago Archipalago Archepelaego

Q 4. This person excavates things for a profession

Option:- Archaeoligist Archeaologist Archaeologist Archoaelogist

Q 5. This mental disorder is called?

Option:- Schizephronia Shcizophrenia Schizophrenia Schizophrania

Q 6. What’s this edible green plant?

Option:- Broccoli Broccolli Broccilli Brocolli

Q 7. Recognize this spiritual term?

Option:- Transcandental Transcendentle Transcendentel Transcendental

Q 8. This one is a strange Mexican walking fish

Option:- Axolotol Axlotl Axolotl Axoltl

Q 9. This is something embedded deep inside your brain

Option:- Aymgdala Amygdala Amygdla Amgydala

Q 10. This ailment destroys memory and other important mental functions.

Option:- Alzheimar Alzheimer Alzhiemer Alzehemer

Q 11. This part of the brain receives information from the sensory systems

Option:- Cerebullum Cerebullem Cerubellum Cerebellum

Q 12. This thing does not allow you to feel pain

Option:- Anesthesia Anasthesia Anisthesia Anesthasia

Q 13. What progressively wasting disease is this?

Option:- Pthhisis Phthsis Phtihsis Phthisis

Q 14. Which prehistoric animal is this?

Option:- Ptoredactyl Pteordactyl Pterodactyl Pterodacytl

Q 15. What is this programmed death of cells known as?

Option:- Apopotsis Apiptosis Apoptosis Apoptisis

Q 16. This aliment denotes an impairment in motor or sensory function

Option:- Paraplagia Pareplegia Paraplegia Paraeplgia

Q 17. Which is this biological processes recurring rhythmically in a twenty-four-hour cycle?

Option:- Circidian Carcadian Circadian Circadain

Q 18. This is another way of congratulating someone

Option:- Felicitete Felacitate Felecitate Felicitate

Q 19. These form the bones of the spinal column

Option:- Vertabrae Vertebra Vertebrea Vertebrae

Q 20. When you make a living space for someone

Option:- accommodate accamodate accomodate acommodate [adace-ad id=”22311″] [adace-ad id=”22312″]

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